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Text translation is the type of translation in which a text is passed from the foreign language to the native language, taking care that the concept of the original is maintained. The Version, on the other hand, takes the opposite path of Translation. Lately, many have chosen to carry out these services via automatic translators, such as those available on the internet. But it is worth mentioning that the result often presents some completely unintelligible sentences, since the syntax of a language differs from the others, which means that it is not enough to translate each term, it is necessary to observe the sentence, the paragraph, the idea of ​​the text .



Proofreading aims to correct, adapt or improve a text already translated. These changes can affect words and phrases and occur through cuts, inclusions and/or inversions. The translator, due to his proximity to the text, can make mistakes that he does not identify in successive readings of his work.


The process of finding a product or service goes far beyond its literal translation. It means thinking about the destination and acting at the source to translate a message into another language in a way that is appropriate to the local aspects of its marketing. Especially used for translating websites, software, instruction manuals and product packaging.

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